Support with Donation
1 / PayMe:
3 / Credit Card Payment (
(Reminder: There will have 4% service charge to the payer if the Donation is pay via Credit Card Service)
2 / FPS:
Phone no. 5989 0694
(Online Companion Limited)
4 / Bank Transfer:
Bank: The Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Account Name: : Online Companion Limited
Account Number:454-399056-838

Thank you for your donation! Let’s work together to create a more positive
society. As a non-profit organization, we need donations and support from all
walks of life to inject sustainable new impetus to achieve our mission!
1. Please send the screen capture the payment to WhatsApp (5989 0694)or email( after payment successfully.
2. Donations of HK$100 or above will be issued a tax-deductible receipt. To request a donation receipt, please click, complete, and press to submit the online donation form.
Please select the method of
receiving the official receipt:
1 / WhatsApp
2 / 電郵
3 / 收件人/機構名稱
Please provide the below detail:
Phone number:
Email address:
Local Mailing address:
Recipient/Organization Name:
To protect your privacy, please read and agree to the following privacy
statement of our organization:
Online Companion Limited ensures that the procedures for collecting, using, storing, transferring and accessing personal data comply with the requirements of Hong Kong's "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) and ensures the accuracy and security of your personal data . For details of the organization's privacy policy, please visit:
( ) I understand and agree to your organization's privacy statement and
privacy policy.
3. Online Companion Limited ensures that the procedures for collecting, using,
storing, transferring and accessing personal data comply with therequirements of Hong Kong's "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486), and ensures the accuracy and safety. For details of our Privacy Policy, please visit: 。