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EASE Online Project

The EASE Online Project, a 4-year research project launched in 2019, is developed by Department of Social Work of the Hong Kong Baptist University, funded by the Research Impact Fund to help people with social anxiety to deal with fears in social situation and improve their quality of life. 


By using the framework of “Cognitive Behavioral therapy” (CBT), service users could learn various CBT skills to manage anxiety and fears in social situations through briefing and debriefing animations, as well as case demonstration videos. Apart from the online sessions, a Virtual Reality (VR) system is also developed for providing exposure therapy to assist service users practicing CBT skills as coached by an experienced counselor.  By using the VR system, service users can put their CBT skills learned into practice to enhance the effectiveness for overcoming social anxiety. In research stage, over 300 service users joined the service in Hong Kong. 

CANDO service Features:

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Online and Offline

With the assistance of internet technology, we help people with depression to improve their depressive mood by learning and practicing  cognitive behavioral skills through online and offline counseling.

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Local Online Service

We use written Chinese and spoken Cantonese through online and offline counseling. All case demonstration videos were adapted and shot from real local cases, which fits the local real-life situations to create resonance and relevance to everyday life of people in Hong Kong.

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Evidence-based counseling service

It is an evidence-based counseling service with effectiveness evaluated by an online questionnaire at  pre-test, post-test and follow-up test.

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Evidence-based counseling service

It is an evidence-based counseling service with effectiveness evaluated by an online questionnaire at  pre-test, post-test and follow-up test.

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Who we support?

  • People with anxiety symptoms*

  • Age: 18-70

  • Smartphone or computer user with internet connection

  • Able to write Chinese or English on smartphone or computer

  • Has a valid email address for communication

  • Able to read Traditional Chinese and communicate in Cantonese

* The service user will have to take a screening to evaluate the mental health status. If the result appears to be severe depression and/or having suicidal risk, we will refer to relevant social services with consent.

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